O Man What Does the Lord Require of You

Theme Text: Micah 6:8

From the beginning of creation, God’s purpose was for Man to become his flagship of Creation. Despite all of God’s love, Man has found it difficult to reciprocate God’s love. In today’s sermon titled; “O Man What Does the Lord Require of You” we discuss what God requires of us as His children. What God required of us is entailed in Deuteronomy 10: 12-13. The Israelites were self-serving and refused to acknowledge God. They conducted their affairs in such a way that did not recognize the deliverance granted to them by God and carried on like people who were bored of God, with no fervency of spirit.

Then enter the prophet Micah who God gave a word for the people in Micah 6:8.

Today. God is making a similar demand of us: Do Justly, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly. These three things are required of people that have been saved already.  They are not qualifications of salvation rather, they are characteristics of children of God. Unless you are saved doing these three things are futile.

“No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good,

and this is what he requires of you:

to do what is right, to love mercy,

and to walk humbly with your God.” 

(Micah 6:8)

Do Justly

God is a God of justice (Leviticus 19 15-18, Isaiah 1:17, Job 31:6). The central message of Micah 6:8 is; you and I can’t serve God on our own terms. To do justly is to be fair to all and it’s first and foremost to not judge.

Love Mercy

Mercy requires an inward disposition and outward action. To be a lover of mercy, you must be one who combines a strong emotional element with a practical demonstration of that element in response to needs that you see around you. To love mercy is to show consistent care, it is to imbibe the culture of heaven (2 Samuel 22;26, Deuteronomy 4:31).

Walk Humbly

Walk humbly with your God. This third requirement is in two parts. There is a what to do and how to do it.

What to do; The first is to walk with your God. This is to be totally submitted, it is to take your God seriously not stifling with his word, to walk with God is to crave perfection. Matthew 5:48.

How to do; How to walk with God, you must do so humbly (1 Cor 15:10), to walk with God is to partner with but to walk humbly to God is to recognize that you are a junior partner to God, Junior partner cannot take decisions without the senior partner approving. (Daniel 10: 6 & 8, Isiah 6:1)


  • God is not interested in our offerings. King Saul learns this in a bitter way, (1 Samuel 15:22). God cannot be settled with offerings.
  • You and I must stop making God look like a tax collector rather than the Loving Father that he is. The key to a victorious Christian life is to know God as He is (Psalm 103:7).
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