Blog Articles

How can I forgive those who sin against me?

Forgiving those who have harmed or wronged us is definitely not easy. Don’t feel like you are the only one struggling with forgiveness. All of us have been wronged at…

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Why isn’t God answering my prayer? How do I deal with unanswered prayers?

God loves us all and desires for us to talk to Him in prayer. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will…

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What Do I Do When My Teen Doesn’t Want to Attend Church?

During my teenage years, my Christian friends persuaded me to attend service at their respective churches. Thus, I participated in worship services in a few congregations before settling on one….

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8 Tips for Disciplining Your Child

Discipline Tip #1: Do what you can when you can. We often make mistakes as parents when we rush into punishment in the heat of anger or frustration. This is…

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Why do I feel far from God? Why can’t I feel close to Him all the time?

Have you been having trouble staying focused on God? Do you keep giving in to sin and temptations? Do you have a hard time getting back on track with your faith? Do you see yourself failing God time and time again? Are you frustrated at yourself and want to change?

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Why can’t I stop masturbating?

I know masturbation is not an easy thing to talk about. Don’t think for a minute that God isn’t there or that you can’t overcome this (Philippians 4:13). Masturbation is an extremely…

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Why does life feel so pointless?

I didn’t ask to be born. Why did God create us just to let us suffer? I feel your questions on a spiritual level, friend. These are the types of…

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Making Time for God in Your Busy Life

I know it can be tough to make time for a relationship with someone when you’re really busy. You may have lots of schoolwork to do at home.

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O Man What Does the Lord Require of You

Theme Text: Micah 6:8 From the beginning of creation, God’s purpose was for Man to become his flagship of Creation. Despite all of God’s love, Man has found it difficult…

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